Subhas Chandra Pattanayak
(Pictorial input from Atulya Mohanty through Prasanta Patnaik)

ORISSA MATTERS strongly condemns the brutal attack on media magnet Soumya Ranjan Patnaik by the Orissa Police that hounded him into the residence of Rabinarayan Pani, a ruling party MLA, before inflicting on him injuries, simply because he belongs also to the Congress party, that had a tremendous congregation before the Assembly on September 6 in protest against continuous misrule by the BJD.

For a corrupt and anti-people Government, the last hope for survival lies in terrorizing its opponents. The bloody attack on the Congress congregation by use of the Police, therefore, is not surprising.

Having usurped power under circumstances not yet clearly comprehended by many, but clearly when minemongers even of foreign countries were zeroing on Orissa, the nature’s monumental depository of mineral wealth, Chief Minister Naveen Patnaik has given a government that has earned a non-dismissible disrepute as a government more eager to oblige mines-eyeing industries than the land-loosing indigenous people.

The administration’s dubious conduct in squandering away mines apart, people have reasons to be aggrieved in every sphere, as corruption has become so all-pervasive that shrewd fellows in the lowest rank in government offices like night-watchmen and peons have become multimillionaires. How much the top functionaries have benefited is not easy to fathom out. In the language of the Opposition, it is a loot raj.

Against this loot of the State, the Congress party had given a call for protest in front of the Assembly. More than a lakh of people congregated in the earmarked area on the Mahatma Gandhi road on September 6. Government did not tolerate.

The pictures would present what happened.

Blood oozes out as corrupt administration promulgates brutality.

They had no qualms in attacking the rally participants before TV cameras.

Brutality knew no limits. So many police personnel pried upon a single person.

The rightful congregation of Congress party was held with permission from the appropriate authority.

Yet the police terrorized the participants to flee.

The attackers.

State terror knows no barrier.

Office of the Opposition vandalized.

Another blood-drenched victim of the suckers of the State.

Tolerance reached the last limit.

The people retort.

Wrath knows no fear.

When the people retorted, a good many number of police personnel suffered injuries.

The congregation was politically surcharged, yet peaceful. Had the police not been rash and rather could have been vigilant enough to control the agent provocateurs, the road named after Mahatma Gandhi would not have witnessed the avoidable violence.

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  1. Pingback: Investigation Needed into Whether or Not the 6th September Violence was Government Induced « Orissa Matters

  2. Pingback: Governor Orders the Government to Assist Lokpal in Probing into Atrociousness of Police in Opposition Rally « Orissa Matters

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