Subhas Chandra Pattanayak
A responsible Chief Minister should take all possible steps to ensure affordable justice to the common public and hence, we stand with the Chief Minister Mr. Naveen Patnaik in his recommendation for High Court benches in Western and Southern Orissa, though, as we have earlier argued, the people of Northern Orissa also deserve a HC Bench.
It is sad that members of the High Court bar are in strike in protest against the CM’s recommendation for benches beyond Cuttack.
The lawyers have a very distinguished history of fighting for human rights. But attempts to obstruct reach of justice to affected people of remote parts of Orissa, who are unable to afford the cost of engaging lawyers at Cuttack , are the same as denying them human rights.
To cite any decision or any observation of any authority to show as to why the people of Western and Southern Orissa should have no High Court benches is of no strength as the people have woken up against denial of affordable justice to them.
No decision of any legal forum is stronger than the people’s right to affordable justice.
Opposition to HC benches in Western or Southern or Northern Orissa is nothing but opposition to evolution of a progressive justice system.
So, we oppose every opposition to establishment of High Court benches in Western and Southern Orissa while strongly supporting the demand of Northern Orissa to have a Bench as entirely justified and proper.
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