Subhas Chandra Pattanayak

People know Naveen Patnaik as Chief Minister of Orissa. But, in reality, he is a mere fantoccino that dances to the tune of unknown directors.

A report telecasted by Kanak News has kept on records a number of events that expose how Naveen reviews official programs. Secretaries from the Chief Secretary to Under Secretaries with concerned staff members gather in a Conference Hall for the CM to “review” progress of projects and/or administrative activities. He comes with a prepared note sheet and reads out whatever is written therein and leaves the room and the Chief Secretary or a Secretary informs the Press that the CM conducted the review.

I deem it proper to place here the compiled Kanak News video clips for our people to know how are they being governed. The compilation carries a clip that show how Naveen also acted in the same manner before the Prime Minister of India at his residence while pleading for coal blocks to OMC.

Who handles the strings of this poppet ? Who is the secret director of Orissa Administration? Kanak News may not disclose that; because, its owner Soumyaranjan Patnaik is in politics and politics makes strange friends.

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