Can an Under Secretary kill a Govt. Order? Yes, when CM wants to reward a saboteur of Bhasha Andolan

News Syndicate Under Secretary Surjyanarayan Mohapatra in the higher education department is either purchased by a lady lecturer to help her get the job she had allegedly abandoned 10 years ago, or has been used by a scheming Chief Minister … Read more →

Fabulous reward to Pradyumn Satapathy to sabotage the Bhasha Andolan; Governor given the details with request to intervene

News Syndicate Reward worth possibly more than a crore of Rupees is put in the pipeline for benefit of Pradyumn Satapathy for his treachery against the Bhasha Andolan. When Subhas Chandra Pattanayak, Founder of the Black Flag Campaign christened Bhasha … Read more →

Repeal 4A, Make Official Language Act Inviolable: Language Activists of Orissa Demand

News Syndicate Language activists associated with the silent black-flag campaign (Bhasha Andolan) for governance of Orissa in Oriya, in a State Level Conference held here in the auditorium of Lohia Academy on July 17, have unanimously adopted a series of … Read more →


Subhas Chandra Pattanayak The crime in the name of Oriya Language Dr. Debi Prasanna Pattanayak has committed, despite having been exposed by me in media with documentary evidences, has not yet been subjected to prosecution, because he has been using … Read more →

A former Ambassador raises serious allegation against former Director of CIIL: Govt must clarify

Subhas Chandra Pattanayak Abasar Beuria, a former Ambassador,has informed the Chief Secretary, Orissa that Dr. Debi Prasanna Pattanayak, a former Director of Central Institute of Indian Languages, has committed irregularities and has misused the Government quarter that was allotted to … Read more →