Governor of Orissa urged to free himself from fraud in Official Language Act


The Founder of Bhasha Andolan, Orissa Sri Subhas Chandra Pattanayak has urged the State Governor to free himself from the evident fraud in the amendment of the Orissa Official Language Act, 1954. He had submitted details of the fraudulence to the Governor on 6.5.2022 requesting him to please use his inherent power to recall his assent to the amendments of the Act, “as they were created by forgery, treachery, and fraudulence as well as in absolute contravention of the Rules of Business.”

Here is the same.

The Governor’s Secretariate run by Govt. Staff has sent the same to Principal Secretary to Govt. in the department of GA&PG on 24.5.2022 VIDE No.3642, with an instruction “for taking needful action” at his end and intimate Sri Pattanayak the “action taken report”. This particular Officer is a party to the alleged fraud and he has not yet carried out the order of the Governor.

On this background, Sri Pattanayak has addressed another letter to the Governor urging him to apply his mind to the issue and “to ensure that Orissa is not administered under fake and fraudulently made legislation.

Illegal land grabbing by ruling party MP fraudulently regularized: Lokayukta’s stance lackadaisical

Subhas Chandra Pattanayak

A vast area of 12 Acres of very precious public land in the Capital City of Orissa under illegal occupation of Achyut Samant, presently a ruling party MP, who runs an educational business styled KIIT, has been fraudulently regularised.Lokaykta’s stance against this engineered fraudulence is lackadaisical, it seems.

As a dutiful citizen, Orissa Sochana Adhikar Abhijan Chief, eminent RTI activist Pradip Pradhan had raised a dispute against this foul play in the shape of a complaint before the Lokayukta, Orissa vides Case No. LY322/2021.

“……we find no merit in the allegation of complaint that Achyuta Samant, founder of KIIT is in illegal occupation of 12 acres of land worth Rs.250 crores in collusion with the officials of GA & PG Department”, the Lokayukta has said while closing the complaint on 9.3.2022.

From the reply of the State Chief Secretary, the Lokayukta has quoted, “KIIT did enter into litigation with the Estate Officer against the Order of eviction and since many years have passed, the final outcome of litigation is not known.”

When the Chief Secretary of the State admits that the Estate Officer had issued an order to evict Samant from the land encroached by him, and the encroacher had “entered into litigation against the order of eviction”, the final outcome of which is not known, he indirectly confesses that the concerned file is suppressed or missing in the department. The Chief Secretary has bragged that the missing of the file is obvious, “since many years have passed.”

What a great Statement by a great State’s Chief Secretary before the great Lokayukta of the State!

The Chief Secretary has admitted that the eviction order was passed against Samant “many years” ago, but the “outcome” of Samant’s litigation against that eviction order “is not known.” Records in the Lokayukta show that the illegally occupied land in four plots was leased out to Samant on 27.12.2019 and two more plots on 22.1.2021 and 22.7.2021 one by one. This is enough to make one convinced that Samanta’s litigation against the eviction order still stands or had failed “many years” ago. The Chief Secretary is discernibly silent on the failure of Samant’s litigation against the eviction order, which strongly suggests that, despite knowing that a valid eviction order is standing against the land under Samant’s illegal occupation, he, by himself or under orders of ther Chief minister, has allowed the involved landed property of the people to the trespasser Achyut Samant, the Chief Minister’s close friend.

The shenanigans behind this transaction need to be investigated in the best interest of the State. Instead of closing the case lackadaisically, it would have been better for the Lokayukta to order an investigation into conspicuous corruption in this stage-managed lease and to initiate action against the Chief Secretary for not knowing the outcome of the eviction case.

It is sad to see that the purpose of Law is allowed by the Lokayukta to succumb to the imprudence of a Chief Secretary who sans any qualms declares that the “final outcome of the eviction case is not known.”

The Lokayukta should review its own order and let the people know when the final outcome of the eviction case against Achyut Samant was not known, how could the Chief Secretary allot the involved land to the alleged culprit.

Orissa Governor moved to take action against the Chief Minister for legislative misconduct

Founder of Bhasha Andolan Subhas Chandra Pattanayak has moved Orissa Governor to take action against the Chief Minister for his legislative misconduct, which has led to wrongful amendments to the Orissa Official Language Act, 1954. The Amendments were created through forgery, treachery, and fabrication and the Governor was misguided by false ‘Legal Certificates’ and ‘Administrative Certificates, to give assent to the Bills in question without knowing that those were products of fraudulence, he has alleged in his well-documented complaint.

Below is the copy of the complaint of Sri Pattanayak:

SCP to Orissa Governor

Yet another deathblow of Naveen Patnaik to the State Language: Students denied Oriya (Hons) in Model Colleges

Subhas Chandra Pattanayak

it is sad that the academic community, students and their unions, politicians and the press find no reason to resent against denial of honors-courses in Oriya in the Model Degree Colleges at Malkangiri, Nuapada, Nawarangpur, Nayagarh, Boudh, Sonepur,Rayagada,and Deogarh since 2016. It is yet another deathblow of Naveen Patnaik to the Language of the State.

All the above colleges situated in educationally backward districts offer Honors-Courses in Economics, Political Science, Education, Sociology and Anthropology in Arts stream; but no Oriya.

Order No. 14355 of the Higher Education department, issued on June 03, 2016 shows that teachers from the College Branch were posted to these Colleges as Principals-in-charge. The position is yet the same, which shows that the State government had no intention to make these Colleges “Model”. But, these “model Colleges”, with no Honors-Courses in Oriya were designed to deny majority of the students the dignity of becoming graduates with honors.

Malkangiri, Nuapada, Nawarangpur, Nayagarh, Boudh, Sonepur,Rayagada,and Deogarh are all backward areas where natural language of the secondary and higher secondary students is Oriya. In the degree colleges, they could have easily excelled in Oriya honors and the above districts could have given the State larger numbers of degree holders with honors.

Naveen Patnaik is so much averse to Oriya language that in the month of May,2016 when the Law department had created the Draft Bill to amend the Orissa Official language Act in tune with what this reporter had proposed as a member of the Ministerial Committee on implementation of the Act, he had clandestinely changed the same draft with an unauthorized one, in order to keep Oriya disused in administration. Earlier when scholars working with Oriya Bhasha Pratisthan had created the documented report of claim for Classical Status to Oriya Language, he had restricted its print to only 100 copies in order to debar people of Orissa from knowing why their language is classical and had protected the thieves of this document even after being informed of the offence. More disturbing was the fact that the alleged offenders were sumptuously helped by the government with money and many amenities. This mentality of the CM had encouraged anti-Oriya elements in administration to issue orders No. 17097/HE dated June 25, 2016 that denied Oriya Honors to students of these Colleges branded as “model”, which other Colleges are supposed to follow.

Naveen had not heeded to our demand for dismissal from his cabinet the higher education minister Samir De, who had ordered for jettisoning Oriya as a subject in all eminent degree colleges. Had this reporter not exposed De’s design, Oriya might have been wiped out from study courses in all eminent colleges. Similarly, his government ordered that Oriya text books shall be printed in English and Oriya language shall be taught in English. Naveen was forced to do away with this mischief after ORISSAMATTERS discussed the matter.

in yet another assault on Oriya language, there was order to recruit Lecturers in various subjects except Oriya, which this reporter had exposed in This has forced the Naveen Government to invite applications for 278 posts of lecturer in Oriya, under advertisement No.006/2022 dated SSB, April 11, 2022.

These are a few instances of how Naveen Raj is full of conspiracy against Oriya Language in the academic level. Non-available of Honors Courses in the above mentioned “Model Degree Colleges” is a part of this conspiracy.

If Sri Naveen Patnaik gets qualms of conscience. his government in the department of Higher Education should issue immediate orders for Honors Courses in Oriya in all the degree Colleges, particularly the Model Degree Colleges subjected to academic trauma under Order No.17097/HE. dated June 25, 2016.

PM should have no wall between him and the people

Subhas Chandra Pattanayak
Indian democracy is in disarray. Situation is so precarious that the Prime Minister is afraid of his people. The Supreme Court is probing the issue of his security lapse on a flyover on way to Punjab. Sans any prejudice, I feel, the predicament over a PM’s fear for the people calls for immediate application of collective mind by WE THE PEOPLE.

Whether or not political, Prime Minister Modi’s public outburst delivering a message to the provincial government through the Punjab Police that they should convey to the State Government that he was going back alive to New Delhi, makes it clear that the PM is afraid of the people. He assumed that, the agitating farmers might have killed him had he not come back quickly.This is sad.

Mr. Modi could have served democracy better, had he walked to the farmers on the flyover.If they were angry with him, as is the wont of Indians, particularly the farmers, he might have gained over their hearts and the emotional conflict between him and they, if any, might have ended. He didn’t do that. India lost an opportunity to see her Prime Minister remove the wall between him and the people.

Our Constitution that has made us a Republic, doesn’t provide for a wall between us and our Prime Minister under the guise of his security. Fellows that work in the executive wing have created this artificial barrier to distance the leader from the people, so that he shall do, what they decide to be done.

The scheming bureaucracy has created this unconstitutional barrier between the political executive and the people in the name of security, as a result of which, what has happened was once best described by the them Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi. He was honest enough to admit in 1985 that merely 15% of fund allocation reaches the people, with 85% swindled in transit. This famous confession stands so valid that the Supreme Court bench comprising justices AK Sikri and Ashok Bhushan had to rely upon it in its verdict on Aadhaar in June 2017. The scenario has not changed despite Aadhaar cards and raids. Benefits do not reach the people, goes to members of the executive.

On the other hand, because of the security wall, compradores in the attires of political leaders of this country have ruined our democracy. Plutocracy has taken over. The country is being looted by private operators, with the judicial system serving the Law in protecting private properties in the guise of protecting fundamental rights of the private property-owners, when fundamental rights of the people have been kept out of judicial jurisdiction in the style of “Directive Principles”.

If the scenario is to change, the security wall of the Prime Minister (and the Chief Ministers) should be done away with.

Oriya Language created Orissa and therefore Orissa must be ruled by Oriya Language

Subhas Chandra Pattanayak

Chief Minister Naveen Patnaik seems to have developed a wrong notion that governance of Orissa in Oriya depends upon his mercy. His press-note of December 17 and full page display advertisement in major broadsheets of today force us to arrive at this apprehension.

In his December 17 press note it was declared that he had held a meeting with the five members of the ministerial committee on that day for the purpose of “strictly implementing the Orissa Official Language Act, 1954 in official and non-official level” to facilitate which a website has been floated by the government. In the full page multi-color advertisement in broadsheet dailies today, this is intriguingly missing.

The advertisement is designed to tell the people that Chief Minister Naveen Patnaik has taken historical steps to save and develop Oriya language, and has enumerated the steps he has taken. This is blatant lie. Neither he nor his government has executed any single item claimed to be “historical” in the official advertisement. The entire advertisement is nothing but false propaganda. What a shame it is, that, the people of Orissa are taken for granted by their Chief Minister! Read more →

Navakalevara: Legends and reality

Subhas Chandra Pattanayak

Legends are the most misguiding mischief aimed at superimposing lies on reality so that indigenous people of an occupied land are kept too dazzled to see the dark face of the rulers and the class of exploiters can keep its victims subjugated to its authority, while forcing them to forget the heroic history of evolution of their own philosophy of life, their own splendid spiritual realizations, their own socio-economic uniqueness, their own ancient culture, their own valorous past, their own way of social integration and their own civilization.

We see this mischief galore in the context of Navakalevara of SriJagannatha.

So, here, we are to rip apart the legends and bring the reality of the Navakalevara to light, as thereby alone we can reach the lost uniqueness of the people of Orissa.

We will use Puri Sankaracharya’s self-proclaimed authority over Navakalevara to proceed with our purpose.

  Read more →

Samaja in Maze of Forgery: Two former Ministers of Orissa – Lingaraj Mishra & Radhanath Rath forged the WILL of Gopabandhu; Both benefitted till their death; SoPS continues to Loot

Subhas Chandra Pattanayak

The Oriya daily SAMAJA founded by late Utkalmani Pandit Gopabandhu Das, to which, out of their love and reverence for the great humanitarian leader, the people of Orissa had and have been giving their financial and moral support, is in a menacing maze of forgery and loot.

Sadly, two of Gopabandhu’s trusted men – Lingaraj Mishra and Radhanath Rath – who, because of being known so, had the opportunity of becoming cabinet ministers in Orissa, were the masterminds and/or makers of the forgery from which the paper is yet to be salvaged.

Both of them – Lingaraj and Radhanath – had partnered with each other in forging the last WILL of Gopabandhu to grab the Samaja, which being Gopabandhu’s paper was of superb credibility and the greatest political instrument of the day. They had performed this crime behind the screen of and in nexus with Servants of the People Society (SoPS), of which, while breathing his last, Gopabandhu was the Vice-President. Read more →