President of India is used in Award Fraud

Subhas Chandra Pattanayak President of India has been used in a fraud perpetrated in the matter of selection of Subrat Kumar Prusti for Maharshi Badrayan Vyas Samman 2019 for Classical Odia. Whosoever has recommended his name, has given a false … Read more →

Subrat Prusty: Stealing of Official Work on Classical Oriya: Kirttan Narayan Padhi’s Version Vital

Subhas Chandra Pattanayak Presidential Award of Certificate of Honor to Scholars in the segment of Maharshi Badrayan Vyas Samman in the field of Classical Odia to Subrat Kumar Prusty is a classic instance of how dishonesty is getting honored in … Read more →

Theft of Orissa’s Classical Odia Document: Version of Former Director of Odia Bhasha Pratisthan

Subhas Chandra Pattanayak Award of Presidential Certificate of Honour to Scholars in the segment of Maharshi Badrayan Vyas Samman, 2019 to Subrat Kumar Prusty is absolutely offensive to the concept itself, as he is alleged to have stolen away the … Read more →

Orissa’s dishonest Govt. recommended the thief of its Classical Oriya document for Presidential Award! What a Farce!

Subhas Chandra Pattanayak This year’s Maharshi Badrayan Vyas Samman for Classical Oriya has gone to Subrat Kumar Prusty, who has stolen the State’s researched document for Classical Status to Oriya Language! What a great farce! And what a great fraud … Read more →